Friday, December 27, 2019

The Inevitability of School Violence No Need for School...

The Inevitability of School Violence: No Need for School Reform â€Å"Guns don’t kill people, people kill people,† I have often heard. We know people kill people. The real issue now is whether or not people can change people. Some are of the opinion that we are capable of doing so; by implementing new reforms and tightening school security, people are, in effect, saying they have the solutions to the problems. The violence of recent school shootings has wrought anxiety and fear in parents, teachers, and administrators across the nation. The massacre of Columbine turned a public school library into a cemetery. The shooting in Oklahoma ripped us from the comfort of a stereotypical and easily recognized threat; now popular straight-A†¦show more content†¦In the Greater Cincinnati area, schools have â€Å"tightened discipline codes, locked school doors...and adopted dress codes barring book-bags, coats, and other clothing...† (Mathis A3). Many people believe that tightened security will not only prevent guns and weapons from invading school premises but will discourage potential offenders from dangerous attempts. Such extravagant measures, while encompassing a broad range of potential violence, will still leave open many opportunities for disaster. The beep of a metal detector is not enough to alter a person’s intent; the absence of a book-bag does not close all avenues to a plotting mind. â€Å"We still have accomplished nothing if more metal detectors and security guards give us more Jonesboros, where kids pull a fire alarm to shoot their classmates as they’re exiting the building,† said Sandford A. Newman, president of Fight Crime (Mathis A3). We are locking doors while windows stands gaping open. Keeping guns off school property is not enough, for â€Å"people kill people.† Some advocate school dress codes, believing that uniform clothing will decrease student rivalry, eliminate unnecessary distraction, and minimize peer differences. The differences, however, remain. Uniform attire will not make anyone less skinny, heavy, pimpled, or attractive than they already are. Just as the body is not transformed by outward attire, the heart is not transformed by external improvements. It isShow MoreRelatedThe Many Facets Of Policing2177 Words   |  9 PagesAmerican policing. The Political Era, the Reform Era and the Community Integration Era. 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I According to the prevailing school of thought, the aim of moral action is the attainment of the greatest amount of human satisfaction. Moral action itself is the result of a consciousweighing of anticipated advantages and disadvantages connected with certain actions. Moral conflictRead MoreA View from the Bridge: Story of a Brooklyn Longshoreman6101 Words   |  25 Pagesand their collective power. Of course, the historic cycle is that such ideas would soon be squashed or watered-down and fed back to the public in an impotent form. There is some argument that FDR used the latter principle in his New Deal legislative reform policies. It was a principle that had been effective in Teddy Roosevelt’s progressive movement earlier in the century. If that is the case, it is a bit unclear whether or not the reinforcing spirit of the New Deal policies on wo rking class beliefsRead MoreSociology and Other Sciences7090 Words   |  29 Pages o Pledging allegiance: Makes individuals feel part of a group and therefore less likely to break rules. 2. To maintain social role o School is a society in miniature. It has a similar hierarchy, rules, and expectations to the outside world. It trains young people to fulfill roles. 3. To maintain division of labor. o School sorts students into skill groups, encouraging students to take up employment in fields’ best suited to their abilities. Crime Durkheims views onRead MoreImpact of Media on Socio-Cultural Values and Social Institution in Indian Society10316 Words   |  42 Pagesreasonably inexpensive †¢ Responses are easily tracked and measured †¢ Frequency †¢ Pages can look cluttered, and your ad can easily get lost in the clutter †¢ Your ad is placed together with all your competitors †¢ Limited creativity in the ads, given the need to follow a pre-determined format †¢ Ads slow to reflect market changes Radio: Offers a wide range of publicity possibilities. It is a mobile medium suited to a mobile people. It reaches the bedroom and breakfast table in the morning andRead MoreCalculus Oaper13589 Words   |  55 Pagesprescription to middle-class women to embody and preserve the sacredness of the home--the scientific romanticization) of the home itself). 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Book Of Martyrs By John Foxe - 925 Words

I will be examining an image taken from the Book, Acts and Monuments, or better known as the Book of Martyrs. This book was written by John Foxe in 1563. Foxe was a devout protestant during a time where Catholicism was being revived By Queen Mary. This Image displays Thomas Cranmer. Cranmer was the Archbishop of Canterbury during King Henry’s regime and helped Henry annul his marriage with Catherine. Cranmer supported Royal Supremacy and was a huge reason for the creation of the Protestant Church during the Reformation. In his book, The Book of Martyrs, author John Foxe expresses his emotions for the protestant martyr Thomas Cranmer as he is being burned alive. Foxe was an English historian and author who used his skills to express his anger towards the suffering of Protestants under the Catholic Church. Foxe recorded the last moments of fellow Protestants who were executed under the rule of Mary. Cranmer was one of many martyrs that Foxe illustrated in his book. Foxe starte d working on his book in 1552 when Edward had power. After the death of Mary he met a publisher by the name of John Day where he started to publish Foxe’s work. His work didn’t make him rich, but he did become a celebrity for his literally skills. This book was attacked by Catholics and had many critics as well, which led Foxe to come out with several more editions of this version. The burning of Thomas Cranmer took Place on Broad Street, Oxford England, on 21 March 1556, but the account wasn’tShow MoreRelatedBurnings of Protestants and the Failure of Marys Religious Policy2836 Words   |  12 Pageshad been officially Catholic only 10 years previous. It has been argued as to what the causes of the failure of her religious policy actually were, and it is undisputed that there are a number of possible causes. Historians from John Foxe (writing in 1563) to Robert Tittler (1991) have disputed the effect that the burnings had on the populace. The initial argument was that the burnings had such a profound effect on the people of England that they took up the new religionRead MoreThe Legacy of Edward VI as Explained in Tudor Church Militant: Edward VI and the Protestant Reformation923 Words   |  4 PagesLondon, Penguin Books, 2001. The foundation of this book comes from a series of Birkbeck lectures which the author, Diarmaid MacCulloch, delivered at the University of Cambridge in the Lent term of 1998. MacCulloch’s purpose in writing Tudor Church Militant: Edward VI and the Protestant Reformation were to voice his argument that the Edwardian reformation was a critical moment in the progress of the Anglican Church and the establishing of England’s Protestant identity. The aim of this book is to recaptureRead MoreThe Twelve Disciples: Characters Revealed574 Words   |  2 PagesThe disciple Thomas is a familiar Biblical character because of a specific incident involving his disbelief. (John 20). Jesus had just risen from the dead and the rest of the disciples were elated after seeing him. Thomas had not yet seen Jesus after His resurrection and he was adamant that what his friends had witnessed couldnt be true. Nevertheless, he did have a certain curiosity and willingly stayed with his friends in hopes of seeing what they saw. He just could not bring himself to believeRead MoreDid Mary I deserve the title bloody mary?1488 Words   |  6 Pagesas it is being put in John Foxe’s ‘Book of Martyrs’. This is a book about Protestants who wouldn’t give in to Mary I when she ordered them to become Catholic. Also, John Foxe was a minster. The text tells me that the Queen burnt 5 bishops, 21 ministers, 8 gentlemen, 84 workers, 100 farmers, servants and labourers, 26 wives, 20 widows, 9 girls, 2 boys and 2 infants. As she killed 21 ministers, John Foxe would’ve felt very threatened and scared. He may have written this book to turn people againstRead MoreViolence and Its Forms1776 Words   |  8 Pagesaudience. In the Elizabethan era it was not uncommon for everyday people to carry around a copy of Foxe’s Book of Martrs (Brown 38). This book is shockingly grotesque and surpasses any violence in modern videogames. For example, a Sicilian woman named Agatha whom suffered a long and gruesome death on account of her job as a prostitute is the epitome of the kind of violence found in the book: Pursuant to his orders, she was scourged, burnt with red-hot irons, and torn with sharp hooks. Having borneRead MoreIn the context of the years 1485 to 1603 to what extent was the government of England dysfunctional in the mid-Tudor period?3559 Words   |  15 Pageseconomic problems and disastrous foreign policy. This supports the description of the mid-Tudor period being dysfunctional. However there could be influence from the 16th Century writers such as John Foxe who was author to ‘Book of Martyrs’, which was written just after Marys death and depicted her as a monster . Foxe was responsible for a lasting picture of Mary as it fitted prejudices of a confident. Under these circumstances it was not surprising that the period 1547 – 1558 were marked by disasters.Read MoreChildrens Literature13219 Words   |  53 Pages1. Introduction 3 2. Early History 6 The Greek and Roman Eras: 50 B.C.-A.D. 500 6 The Middle Ages: 500-1500 6 The Renaissance: 1500-1650 7 The Rise of Puritanism and John Locke: Late 1600s 8 3. Beginning of Children’s Literature: Late 1700s 10 4. Fairy and Folk Tales 12 The Golden Age of Children’s Literature: Late 1800s 12 5. Victorian Childrens Literature 16 6. Contemporary Childrens Literature 18 6. Analysis of Harry Potters’ series 21 7. Conclusion 30 8. Summary 31 Children’s Literature DefinitionsRead MoreWithin the Context of 1474-1598 to What Extent Did Ferdinand and Isabella Lay the Foundations for a Golden Age?8020 Words   |  33 Pagesagree that that the peak of the Golden Age came in the reign of Phillip II. Lotherington and Elliot also identify the â€Å"crisis of the 90’s† as the war in France, England and the Netherlands intensified and the domestic scene turned to revolt in Aragon. John Cooper and Elliot point towards the death of Phillip II as the decline where Spain, or rather Castile was â€Å"by 1600 a country that had suddenly lost its national purpose† Kamen on the other hand takes issue with the decline itself as a â€Å"historical

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Hip Hop vs. Rock free essay sample

Both genres use a lead instrumental, Rock music usually consists of a guitar and a bass. Hip Hop uses many types of lead instruments but also uses the guitar. One of the most important instruments in hip hop music is the bass. Another thing that is similar between rock and hip hop songs is the topics Of the songs. Sex, love, hard times, and drugs are some of the main topics used in rock and hip hop songs. These topics are the reason the two genres are so popular with many listeners today. A lot of hip hop and rock artists have had rough lives and went through hard times prior to being famous, and they express it in there songs.Both hip hop and rock have blues and jazz roots. They both went in different directions with their blues and jazz roots. At some point in time a group took the guitar aspect of blues and jazz and kept evolving it into what rock is today. We will write a custom essay sample on Hip Hop vs. Rock or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Hip Hop was evolved from rb, rhythm blues and Mouton blues styles. Although there are several similarities between rock and hip hop, there are many differences. One major difference is the production of the music. Almost all of the hip hop songs made today are made electronically on a computer.The rock songs made today are played with live instruments and hen later put into a computer program and edited. Another type of production that hip hop uses and rock does not use is sampling. Sampling is when you take another song and chop it up and remake it into the hip hop style. One major difference between hip hop and rock that most people dont realize is that the instrumental you hear in rock songs is created by the artist, and the instrumental or the beat your hear in hip hop music is often made by someone else. To produce most rock music you need to be an experienced musician who is able to compose and make up an entire song.The styles between rock and hip hop are complete opposites. Most hip hop artists like to wear gold chains, baggy clothes, and top of the line designer clothing. Hip hop artists are always seen showing off their nice cars and expensive jewelry, clothes, etc. Most rock artists dont seem to care as much about material things. There are many similarities and differences between rock and hip hop music. Both of these genres are well known and favorites by many people today. I enjoy listening to both music styles, but I prefer listening to hip hop music over rock music.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

SWOT Analysis for HMI

HMI is operating in a highly competitive market. The market has various forces that influence the performance of a firm. The music industry has a lot of potential as well as threats. For a clear understanding of the operations of HMI, a SWOT analysis would be of great importance.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on SWOT Analysis for HMI specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The strength of this firm lies in various factors. One of the major strengths of the project is its brand name. Although this brand has not managed to make a huge impact outside the home country, it is quickly gaining acceptance in the industry. The name is expected to attract the youth, who make the majority of the market share in the industry. This firm also has considerable financial strength due to the growth in its sales. As such, this project is in a position to implement its strategies, including those of research and extension. The firm is also expected to operate in various cities outside Spain and the United States. As such, it would be able to balance its production in such a way that when one section of its market would be experiencing recession, the other one would be experiencing an economic growth. Despite the above strengths, the firm has some weaknesses consisting in the fact that some of its competitors in this industry eat up a section of the market share. It is evident that one of the weaknesses that many environmentalists have repeatedly talked about is environmental degradation. The plastic materials that this firm uses in making the CDs and the cassettes are causing havoc to the environment. It is disappointing that this firm is yet to develop a solution to this problem because according to a simple market research, it is yet to replace completely the CDs with better alternatives. The firm operates in an environment with some opportunities, which can make it experience a massive growth in its market share. HMI has exploited a vacuum that existed in many countries in the world, especially in the developed countries. It is apparent that there was no competition for this firm in the overseas markets and this company was able to make enough profits; HMI was providing the market with a completely new product that was not comparable with any other in the market. HMI would find it easy to embrace change, which came about because of the changing technologies.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This was accelerated by its size, unlike other organizations which would not adopt change due to their large sizes. Technological advancements will also enable the firm to conduct trade easily due to improved means of communication and transport. The economic boom that the US government and various countries in Europe experienced following the end of the recession is another opportunity that can he lp this firm in expanding its market. The threats that this product is forced to deal with include competition and piracy. The market is very competitive, which calls for the stakeholders to come up with new strategies to counter the effects of competition. It is apparent that many firms are likely to come up with products, which are close substitutes of the products offered by this firm. The firm will have to fight for the available market share with competitors. Piracy is also eating up the profits of this firm. Security concern in some of the cities where this firm operates is another threat that the management must take into account. When there is an internal strife, such as the one experienced in Egypt and Libya in the recent past, the firm would lose millions of dollars due to destruction of its assets. During such periods, the firm would also lose profits it gets, while it will have to pay employees. This would cause a lot of financial damage to the firm. This essay on SWOT Analysis for HMI was written and submitted by user Adrienne O. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.