Friday, May 15, 2020

Ethics of Stem Cell Research and Human Cloning Free Essay Example, 1500 words

Perhaps one of the most talked-about methods of medicinal intervention is therapeutic cloning. Stem cell research without the replication of DNA replicas in medicine is not as controversial as therapeutic cloning. However, owing to the reliance on human embryos in either method, it is necessary to understand why this may create tensions. If one analyses most objections against therapeutic cloning and stem cell research, one can find that most arguments mostly emanate from fear rather than fact. Several people oppose stem cell research and therapeutic cloning because they claim that an embryo can become a full human, so their potential should be taken into consideration. However, an embryo that has not been implanted into the uterus of a human being lacks the physiological components that make it human. It still has no brain and parts that control its biological aspects. Additionally, it lacks the emotional and intellectual properties of a human. An embryo that has not been implanted does not have a nervous system which makes it capable of sensations. Furthermore, without the implantation of an embryo into the uterus, the embryo in the laboratory is itself incapable of differentiating into a human outside the body. Therefore, the destruction of fertilized eggs after conduction of stem cell research or cloning may be justified if perceived from these dimensions. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethics of Stem Cell Research and Human Cloning or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Moral worthiness of the embryo should be considered in light of the autonomous and independent nature of their developmental stage. If people opposed the technology solely on the fact that a human embryo is a potential human being, then they should also have condemned the use of the morning-after pill or intrauterine devices (Savulescu 19). These methods of birth control work by preventing the potential development of the embryo. Destruction of embryos in these methods is not tantamount to murder since contemporary societies have a total view of the same.

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